• <p>Bristol-Myers Squibb</p>

    Major Supporter

  • <p>Hospira</p>

    Major Supporter

  • <p>Amgen Oncology</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Celgene</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Roche Products</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Sanofi</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Cancer Institute NSW/ eviQ</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>COSA</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Mayo Healthcare</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Smiths Medical</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Bristol-Myers Squibb</p>

    Breakfast Session Supporter

  • <p>Hospira</p>

    Breakfast Session Supporter

  • <p>Sanofi</p>

    Phone App Supporter


The CNSA Winter Congress will present four awards. This information is for congress presenters to consider when developing their abstract. Judging will commence at abstract submission so make sure your abstract includes all of the below criteria.


BEST FIRST TIME PRESENTER – criteria for presenters includes the following:

  • The presenter is presenting for the first time outside of their organisation/place of work;
  • the abstract is clear and concise;
  • the issue or the problem and its relevance for people with cancer  is clearly described;
  • a theoretical framework is evident and draws on contemporary nursing and related fields;
  •  the review of the literature/guidelines/protocols clearly establishes a link between the body of knowledge and supports the papers conclusions;
  • the presenter can engage the audience through the use of relevant audio-visual aids;
  • the presenter can clearly articulate the important points and deals well with any questions from the audience;
  • the presenter is able to keep to the allocated time for the presentation.

BEST CLINICAL PRACTICE PAPER –  criteria for presenters includes the following:

  • the abstract is well written & ideas, topics, interventions and outcomes are all clearly communicated;
  • the topic is  significant & relevant to Cancer Nursing;
  • the unique role or contribution of nursing is adequately described;
  • it clearly describes the activity and its relevance;
  • the interventions and practices described are clearly articulated and appropriate to the topic;
  • the clinical practice outcomes are clearly applicable to Cancer Nursing;
  • the clinical practice discussed is innovative;
  • the presenter is able to keep to the allocated time for the presentation.

BEST CLINICAL RESEARCH PAPER – criteria for presenters includes the following:

  • the abstract is well written & ideas, topics, interventions and outcomes are all clearly communicated;
  • the topic is significant and relevant to Oncology Nursing;
  •  the rationale for the study is clearly addressed;
  • the purpose and specific objectives of the study are clearly stated;
  • the framework for the research is clearly stated & is relevant to the study;
  • the design, sample and data collection instruments and methods are discussed and relevant to the study;
  • the data analysis (or plan for) is very clearly described;
  • the findings of the research will contribute to theory +/- improve clinical decisions and patient outcomes;
  • the conclusion flows logically from the findings;
  • the research is new, original or innovative;
  • there are no obvious flaws in the study that could keep it from being presented at CNSA;
  • the presenter is able to keep to the allocated time for the presentation.


A poster prize will be awarded at Winter Congress – this will be decided by the congress delegates.

The poster judging criteria will include the following:

  • whether the abstract was well written;
  • whether the research design / method used was appropriate;
  • was there a clear interpretation of the results and does it contribute to the depth of the knowledge in the field?
  • is the poster visually appealing and does it include well-presented graphics or tables?
  • was there a logical organization of information and proper grammar?
  • Poster complies with the submission criteria inclusive of size.

cancer nurses society of australia