• <p>Bristol-Myers Squibb</p>

    Major Supporter

  • <p>Hospira</p>

    Major Supporter

  • <p>Amgen Oncology</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Celgene</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Roche Products</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Sanofi</p>

    Congress Partner

  • <p>Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Cancer Institute NSW/ eviQ</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>COSA</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Mayo Healthcare</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Smiths Medical</p>

    Workshop Supporter

  • <p>Bristol-Myers Squibb</p>

    Breakfast Session Supporter

  • <p>Hospira</p>

    Breakfast Session Supporter

  • <p>Sanofi</p>

    Phone App Supporter


The CNSA 2014 Winter Congress will feature a series of pre-congress workshops to be held on Thursday 24 July 2014.

The main Congress will commence on Friday 25 July 2014 and conclude on Saturday 26 July 2014.

Below is a brief overview of each day of Congress. 

Click here to download the final program summary pdf.

Programme - Thursday 24 July 2014

Pre-Congress Workshop Program

1000 - 1645

Workshop 1 - eviQ Education Antineoplastic Drug Administration Course (ADAC) – Facilitation Skills Training Workshop (1000 - 1645)

Workshop 2 - Optimising Outcomes with Vascular Access Devices in the Cancer Care Setting. (1000 - 1600)

Workshop 3 - Delivering Innovative Cancer Survivorship Care (1000 - 1645)

Workshop 4 - COSA Geriatric Oncology Workshop (1000 - 1600)

1700 – 1830

Welcome Reception and Networking Opportunity held within the  Exhibition Area
– Grand Ballroom - Pullman Albert Park

Programme - Friday 25 July 2014

Winter Congress Program Day One



0715 – 0815

Breakfast Session 1 - The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Implementation Experience
Supported by Hospira


Breakfast Session 2 - Optimising supportive care in immuno-oncology: The VOYCE nurses network
Supported by BMS



0830 – 0910

Welcome to Country Ceremony and Congress Opening Address

Welcome Note by   Sandy McKiernan, CNSA President, and Jac Mathieson, LOC Chair

0910 – 1020

Plenary Session 1 

Keynote address by Dr Theresa Wiseman

For presentation details click here Dr Theresa Wiseman is a lead investigator on the internationally acclaimed work on Evidence Based Co-Design, an innovation and uniquely patient-centred approach to improving UK health services provision. In this opening plenary session she will describe what is co-design methodology, addressing how to design experiences not just systems and processes. This opening plenary session will set the scene for what will be a dynamic and stimulating conference.

Keynote address Professor Grant McArthur

For presentation details click here Professor Grant McArthur is a national and international co-chair of a number of clinical trials of targeted therapies. Research Interests include clinical trials of targeted therapeutics, molecular haematology, melanoma, cell cycle control, differentiation, and functional imaging. Professor McArthur will be presenting on personalised medicine and targeted therapies – how are they developed and how do they work? What are the challenges in caring for these patients? What happens when patients become resistant to these treatments? This will be a very thought provoking session of what the future of cancer treatment and in turn cancer nursing might look like.

1020 – 1050

Morning Tea, Poster Viewing and Exhibition Networking

1050 – 1230

Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Session A: Models of Care (a)

Concurrent Session B: Education for Nurses

Concurrent Session C: Evidence Based Practice


1230 – 1330


Breast Special Interest Group Meeting

Gynae-Onc Special Interest Group Meeting

Rad-Onc Special Interest Group Meeting 

1330 - 1510

Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Session D: Supportive Care (Breast)

Concurrent Session E: Education for Nurses (b)

Concurrent Session F: Survivorship


1510 – 1540

Afternoon Tea




1540 – 1650

Plenary Session 2 

Keynote address by Professor Claire Rickard

For presentation details click here Professor Claire Rickard works at the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Nursing at the Griffith Health Institute, Griffith University. Professor Rickard is Director of the Australian Vascular Access Teaching and Research (AVATAR) Group, a group of more than 100 clinical and academic researchers working towards making intravascular device complications history. She will be presenting on her latest research on the management of central lines and how these evidence based findings are changing the way we manage central lines. This will be a dynamic session relevant to all nurses caring for patients with central lines.

Keynote address by Dr Karin Thursky

For presentation details click here Dr Karin Thursky is an Infectious Diseases Physician who has done a significant amount of work on antimicrobial use and clinical guideline development. In 2008 she received her Doctorate of Medicine for her work on a successful pilot in the intensive care unit that significantly improved antibiotic use. During this presentation Dr Thursky will present on antibiotic resistance in the setting of cancer care; what does the future hold with increasing antibiotic resistance? How will we stay on top of infections?

1930 – 2300

Congress Gala Dinner - Pullman Albert Park


Programme - Saturday 26 July 2014

Winter Congress Program Day Two



0715 – 0815

Education Committee Meeting





0830 – 0940

Plenary Session 3

Keynote address by Adjunct Associate Professor Kim Ryan

For presentation details click here Adj Assoc Prof Kim Ryan is a credentialed Mental Health Nurse and CEO of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses. She is passionate about mental health and mental health nursing holding a more prominent position on health agendas at local, state, national and international levels and believes this can only be achieved with a strong, united, professional voice. During this presentation Kim will discuss patients with cancer who also have an underlying mental illness and the risk of anxiety around the diagnosis or effects of the treatment precipitating these issues. What are the extra challenges faced in caring for these patients?

Keynote address by Associate Professor Gail Garvey

For presentation details click here Associate Professor Gail Garvey is a Senior Research Fellow at the Menzies School of Health Research and has over 35 years experience working in Indigenous education and health research. Associate Professor Garvey will provide an update on the cancer outcomes for Indigenous people – with the development of new treatments and evidence based guidelines, is the gap getting any smaller? An informative lecture for all cancer nurses.

0940 - 1040


1040 – 1120

Morning Tea, Poster Viewing and Exhibition Networking

1120 – 1320

Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Session G: Education for Patients

Concurrent Session H: Supportive Care

Concurrent Session I: Models of Care (b)


1320 – 1420


AJCN Meeting




1420 – 1440

Awards Presentations

1440 - 1550

Plenary 4
Keynote address by Dr Theresa Wiseman followed by a panel discussion.

Panel Discussion
With new and developing treatments, complex patient profiles and a changing nursing workforce – how can we adjust our models of care to continue to provide best practice care to our patients?  Come and listen to Dr Theresa Wiseman, Associate Professor Gail Garvey and Adjunct Associate Professor Kim Ryan discuss their thoughts.  This session will be facilitated by Dr Raymond Chan.

1550 - 1600

Welcome to Congress 2015
Closing Address 


cancer nurses society of australia